Welcome to HSEE-SL

welcome to H.S.E.E SecondLife

from one of the longest RL-running boarding schools, taking its structure, classes, and view into SL to spread faith, family, love, and magic of Ireland with the amazing talents of the choir, dance, theater, archery, horse, and much more. one of the first to offer scout as part of the schooling standard program.

HSEE prides itself on being they unique highly inclusive, respected & honored school. our standards are strict to ensure the best quality school experience.

HSEE is they most unique & distinguished, & prestigious and proper catholic.
we have yet to find anything unique, distinguished, & prestigious while being a proper catholic school in all the SL grid or RL anywhere.

child safety is the top priority.

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see our list of approved locations

school term 2024-2025 is active

Learn more of our child standards and our sim and school standards

our standards for our SL students is of the highest standards

HSEE SL puts the children first (be them child avatars with maned adults behind them from our advanced adult age level classes) so they are with the safest staff and around the best people.

sim and school standards
our sim does not tolerate, spying, griefing, intimidation, negativity, harassing, threats, insults, false claims, rule-breaking, copying, unruly or negative behaviors, of staff students, residents or guests

places we promote MUST be child friendly! must have the appropriate dress and appropriate activities.

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