Learn more about our custom theater

Menel Diamond Theater

home of the HSEE school choir

while we attempted to buy a theater that was mod its was not top-quality to our top standards, and most importantly not match our RL enough so we opted to build our own parts to it to match RL's theater to the best high standards.

Menel Diamond is named for rl needs. like RL is part of our school theater and stand-alone

Menel is our graceful and loved malady who started the theater RL way back in years bringing the beauty of the performance, art, & entertainment to SL to its diamond quality standards of performances

Theater ghosts?

ghost of Menel Diamond

for years it has been know and rumored the ghost of dear Menel has roamed the theater, enjoying shows and scaring time to time. her most active times of year are theater anniversary, her birthday and Halloween night.  sometimes she even wanders the school halls or grounds

you may even see her in SL roaming the sim but she means no harm, she is simple guardian of performances.   

rumors have it Menel Diamond was born in 1610 in Dublin, to a talented family

at age 11 was highly talented in all areas of preforming arts.

gone to HSEE and gained top grades, was graduated and became staff

she started managing the school choir and a was invited to a out of country theater where she mysteriously vanished.

students say they can hear her singing in the theater and see her ghost at times

you may be lucky to snap a photo of her. think of it as a honor is she visits your performance at our theater, she is seeing if your quality she intended to preform at her theater.

while today it is unclear what happened to her, what is clear is she remains, protecting and upholding the quality of the performing arts she set in place years ago & is thus far proud of HSEE originality if performances, shows, songs & dances. Menel's Broadway level talents in dance, singing, instrument, and acting was high interest at the theater. and brought many in to see her performances.

theater management

Alenivir Adurna

choir and theater manager

Amonniel Manel Tarses


Morticia Addams

HSEE choir director

Alatar Saelben

HSEE headmaster and sim mayor

Severus Snape

deputy headmaster & assistant mayor

Lindir Faelynn




Letant Averdak


Marshall PP

safety officer

Menel Diamond

theater resident ghost

book your show/performance at our theater

what YOU need:
the layout of your stage, a template to test fit in our theater sent ahead of time
pre-setup for performance so you have it ready to go when setup comes
setup in advance of showtime
pre-show music at the least 30 min to an hour, if you need pre-show music let us know in advance and what type fits your show theme.
must be family friendly
rez rights
post in your performance group notices up to week before and day of 

what WE need:
stream link
to know if you need use of our curtains or not.
a max prim count need your show will take
stage template(see above)
whom of your group needs rez rights
to know when stream is switched off
payed or unpaid performance type

notices will be post in SL calendar of events, cancelations will not be taken lightly

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